Like their video, “Ruining,” which has reached 1000 views on YouTube, AFTYN is like running your bare hand through a wheat field. It reminds me of my college days in somewhat rural St. Mary’s, when I listened to the folk Christian rock band Caedmon’s Call, though these songs are not so much about faith as human relationship. The instruments recall that band, with beautiful crisp guitars, never overdone, but perfect for a summertime festival. And the vocals are as catchy and folk wonderful.

The first song, which might be about the two members of the band’s love affair (if the video is any clue), is about how your own routine is upended when you get in a relationship. “You changed my plans like you had to.” Instead of being upset about it, the singer “can’t thank you enough for doing all the ruining.” Isn’t that the paradox of love? That we lose ourselves to another, and find ourselves in that losing. 

The tenor of the EP is an even keel throughout, and I had to wonder if the singer has a range that she doesn’t like to leave, since there was so much similarity from line to line, and song to song. It’s a beautiful voice, however. Something that for me recalls Maggie Rogers, but maybe a little more confident. 

Just like in the first song, subtle conflict characterizes these songs. Like “3AM Again,” which is about the fallout of being up with your thoughts into the wee hours of the night. And on “Comet” there is the feel of lovers who never leave each other’s sides and as a result, see the wonders of the world together, like a “meteor show.” 

I might be influenced by the video I saw, or by the band’s self description, “AFTYN aims to evoke an updated 70’s folk sound, blended with both classic and alternative influences… ‘modern hippies.’” But it seems all so small town. Marking time by the seasons, mourning the passing of family members, reveling in the paradoxes of love. It’s what they call, “a simplistic indie/folk duo,” and that captures the sound, for sure. The EP is a good length and covers a good amount of ground. My only complaint is that the songs can be a bit repetitive because of the singing range. But if you like one song, you’ll be sure to like them all. 

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