When George Floyd was killed last summer by police, a call went out, that “Silence is violence.” People took to the streets in droves to protest police brutality and make it known that “black lives matter.” At the same time, there was a very real feeling like black voices were the ones to be heard and so social media black outs went viral, showing support for melenated voices. A lot of bands put off their releases in honor of the more important conversation that was happening at the time.

Milo of Featherburn has always been one to speak up, with sensitivity and wisdom, about things that are going on in the world. Particularly through his art. But it seems fitting that his latest release, “Setting Fires” comes out a full half a year later, giving other voices the chance to be heard. The project was birthed with his online community, when he asked fans and friends to give him lines and words that he could put together for a song that would reflect the hurt and the hope surrounding the protests and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The song starts out with some of those shared words and phrases. “Sense, hope, shock, feel / Build, change, love, heal.” It was a chance for Milo to involve his community in the dialogue of the day. “Speak, watch, act, reach / Work, help, scream, preach.” The video is perfect for the song. It is footage of people painting the street with “Black Lives Matter” on the streets of Chatanooga, TN last summer. Black and white are gathered together with their paint rollers, men and women, young and old. Like John’s song, it is a labor of love to try and give recognition to people and issues in need of representation. 

As the song goes on, Milo goes from lists of words to powerful constructed poetry. “Generation crescendo / so much to defend now / With scars all tremendous / And noise so relentless,” he sings in solidarity with a people who have gone through centuries of oppression and the resulting scars. “Actions are born out of words (again) / The shots they are fired (again) / The echoes are heard (again)…” “We raise our fists and call out our hurt (again).” That might be the hardest thing about the fight for justice and compassion: the hits just keep on coming. And so words, hopefully lead to action. And the song of solidarity is sung.

The folk pop song is beautiful with Milo’s strong voice, clever background choruses, and bells and fiddle adding to the mix. Milo has been taking the time off of performing live to learn to record and mix in his home, and the track is an impressive example of all that he has been learning, while stuck at home during the pandemic. With hours of footage in a three minute period, and hours of work putting together a song, “Setting Fires” crystallizes this idea, that even the bad things that happen can lead to a better world, if we respond with hope and heart, sensitivity and solidarity. If one bad act can lead to a movement, one good act can as well. And so the song continues the momentum to try and find cures for our ills and make sure that every life is considered sacred and important. A powerful single that if it touches a single soul with the flame of love and purpose, it has done its work. Thanks, Milo. 

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